Ape Limited edition

The Ape Piaggio motorized tricycle remains the symbol of the village of Vallebona, which has celebrated it for years with a dedicated festival, L'Ape in Fiore. However, recently the idea of setting up the famous means of transportation permanently during the summer season has been favored. A real journey of artworks in the wind of Vallebona to immerse oneself and remain suspended in a magical, genuine, and familiar atmosphere that lasts throughout the summer, day and night, giving visitors the opportunity to admire them at any time.

stay in vallebona

Vallebona offers a unique experience for your holidays, it is a picturesque place rich in history, culture, and natural beauty; a peaceful and authentic environment.

Request information

Let's stay in touch

Ufficio di Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica IAT
Piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 18012 Vallebona (IM)

comune di vallebona

Via del Municipio n. 3 18012 Vallebona (IM) | Telefono: +39 0184 290572
email: comune@vallebona.info | pec: comune.vallebona.im@legalmail.it
C.F. 00153390083 - P.Iva: 00153390083

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