symbol and celebration

By closing your eyes, you can imagine it in its unmistakable three-wheeled shape; the Ape is a timeless myth, for years the only working vehicle suitable for easily traversing country paths, roads, and narrow streets.

Vallebona has turned it into the transportation of excellence, and the transition from flowers to ape was very rapid when, at the beginning of this millennium, the capable women of the village started using it as a choreography during the Vallebona in Bloom contest.

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stay in vallebona

Vallebona offers a unique experience for your holidays, it is a picturesque place rich in history, culture, and natural beauty; a peaceful and authentic environment.

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Let's stay in touch

Ufficio di Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica IAT
Piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 18012 Vallebona (IM)
comune di vallebona

Via del Municipio n. 3 18012 Vallebona (IM) | Telefono: +39 0184 290572
email: | pec:
C.F. 00153390083 - P.Iva: 00153390083

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