Vallebona throughout the centuries

The doors

The southern entrance of the village is marked by the opening known as Porta da Madona, a lowered arch of the defensive city walls. Built in 1580 to protect the community from invasions and looting, it had heavy wooden doors that were open in the morning and closed in the evening, as well as large machicolations that can still be seen today. A unique testimony for this area, they were used to pour boiling oil or water onto the enemy.

Ascending the narrow street, you reach the point where the alley curves. Here, in an even more ancient time, there was the Porta du Cantu, undoubtedly the first gate of the village. Today, you can find indications of the exact point where the Cassini meridian passes.

The ancient settlement had three other recognizable entrance gates. To the west, there is Porta di S.Sebastiano, to the north, Porta di S.Bernardo, and to the east, Porta della fontana.

U veciu campanin

Reaching Piazza Marconi, now also known as Piazza dei 4 Elementi, the gaze immediately encounters U veciu campanin, an 11th-century tower that served as a lookout until 1492, when it became the bell tower of the nearby church for over 300 years, until the new and more imposing bell tower took its place.

Piazza Marconi - Square of the 4 Elements

In the current square, we find 4 symbols representing Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, reminding us that the natural elements remain the foundation of our life and survival. The century-old tradition of the village includes the lighting of a large bonfire on Christmas Eve, bringing the people of the village together in front of the light and warmth of its flames until January 6th.

the Decime

To reach the main entrance of the Church, you walk through the square and arrive at the loggias (sute e ouge) in front of the church. Under these large porticoes, which were once a meeting place and a venue for conversation, both for the population and especially for the Consoli (ancient administrators), you can admire the Decime.

These stone measures were established by the Church around the 12th century to collect taxes. In fact, every family had to give a tenth part of their produce to the Clergy. These goods were then distributed between the bishop (50%) and the eight priests of the chapter, including the one in Vallebona. In 1544, the people rebelled against this taxation and the ancient measures were bricked up! About 400 years later, around 1950, they were rediscovered with great surprise and subsequently restored.

stay in vallebona

Vallebona offers a unique experience for your holidays, it is a picturesque place rich in history, culture, and natural beauty; a peaceful and authentic environment.

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Ufficio di Informazione e Accoglienza Turistica IAT
Piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 18012 Vallebona (IM)
comune di vallebona

Via del Municipio n. 3 18012 Vallebona (IM) | Telefono: +39 0184 290572
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